Backward Science 洋書 絵本
(税込) 送料込み
This book is backwards! It starts at the end, ends at the beginning and travels back in history to show you what life was like before major inventions and discoveries.
Step into a time before smartphones, television, cars or even the toilet; then learn about the major invention or discovery that changed the world.
Explore bright, detailed, humorous scenes from different eras that will spark discussion and make you think about what life was like in history. Learn about the clever inventors, the accidental discoveries and how people managed without the everyday things that we take for granted.
Detailed, humorous scenes of different eras to explore
Key topics of science, technology and inventions
This fun and engaging title will delight young historians, scientists, or any child with a curious mind!商品の情報
カテゴリー | 本・音楽・ゲーム > 本 > 洋書 |
商品の状態 | 目立った傷や汚れなし |

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Backward Science: What was life like before world-changing discoveries?

Backward Science: What was life like before world-changing discoveries?

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